Soluzione T@POP


Store Automation and Shopper Engagement

DIGI T@POP Solution is developed to accelerate digital transformation, enabling retailers to embrace in-store automation and bring shopper engagement to the next level. This IoT platform creates a long-term sustainable business model capable of driving operational efficiency and elevate customer experience.

Esigenze del cliente

  1. IT_Drive in-store shopper engagement
  2. IT_Long term sustainable business model by driving store efficiency
  3. IT_Reduced labor costs and enhance pricing agility
  4. IT_Improve price accuracy and content flexibility

T@POP Central Monitoring System (CMS)

DIGI’s Central Monitoring System (CMS) is a centralised management tool equipped with real-time monitoring and self-diagnostic capabilities. Businesses can remotely perform error-free synchronization of pricing and product information across multiple locations. 

Its dashboard layout offers easy visualisation of data, allowing status of the system, Radio Frequency (RF) stations and InfoTags in each store to be monitored at a glance, hence allowing businesses to gain a competitive edge.

Time spent on initialising the ESLs is kept minimal as authorised users can carry out this task directly on the CMS. These features help create a unified management environment, allowing enterprises to manage different business banners efficiently.


Dynamic Pricing

Agile pricing updates can be carried out wirelessly, providing retailers with maximum responsiveness to give them a strategic edge over their competitors.

This enables real-time pricing promotions that can be based on key factors such as in-store demands to influence shoppers’ purchase decision.  


Info Portal

Info Portal, a cloud-based service that incorporates beacon technology to help businesses leverage IoT data to enhance shopper experience. 

Functioning as a bridge between the enterprise’s network and the smartphone application, the InfoPortal offers a suite of innovative features and tools such as Product Locator, Proximity Marketing and Heat Map analytics to optimise sales and retail spaces.


Merchandise Picking

T@POP’s built-in LED flash indicator offers picking accuracy and efficiency by enabling LED blinking to provide precise visual guidance.

Used in tandem with the ESL’s built-in beacon technology, the LED blinking is initiated only when the shopper or employee is within the pre-set range.

The LED of the next nearest product will begin to blink once the first product has been picked up, enabling a shorter order fulfilment time. 


Additional Page

Apart from displaying pricing and promotional information, each ESL comes with an additional page that can be used to present other essential product-related details such as stock level, minimum order quantity or even suppliers’ information.

This helps to improve inventory management as the information can be accessed readily by employees. 


Shopper Engagement

With the integration of QR code and Near Field Communication (NFC) features, shoppers can use their smartphones to interact with the ESLs to access rich content ranging from marketing campaigns to ingredients and allergens details.

They can also be redirected to the online platforms to purchase products that are unavailable in-store.

These added capabilities helps businesses to create an omnichannel environment by combining online and offline initiatives for a seamless and interactive shopping experience.


Waste Control

Markdown adjustments are often done manually, which is time-consuming and ineffective due to the sheer volume of products across the store.

Our ESL not only allows businesses to implement strategic and agile price updates according to the freshness of the products but also enables them to display both the original and markdown prices on the same label with the split screen feature.

By notifying shoppers on the markdown prices of products before expiry, businesses can protect margins by generating additional profits with reduction of food wastage. 


Digital Signage Display (DSD)

T@POP InfoTag can extend its range of display to other multimedia devices such as Tablet, Smart TV Display and Digital Signage Panel with WIFI connection.

This helps to entice shoppers with interactive promotion content as well as increasing impulse purchases by promoting products with lower popularity. 


Japanese leading pharmacy enhances store efficiency with DIGI ESL

Welcia - BHG

Welcia – BHG at The Wisteria Mall, is a Japanese drugstore that has started its business in Singapore since 2017, focusing on Japanese imports some of which are exclusive to their brand.

To remain competitive, multiple promotions are carried out regularly. For instance, within a lineup of one hair care brand, five out of ten products could be on promotion. Hence the demand of manpower to manually update paper price tags and POP is toll on operational cost.

The use of ESLs will further be crucial for extensive stores that are required to operate with lesser manpower.

Mr. Matsumoto, Managing Director

Più tempo per i tuoi clienti con la gestione dei prezzi completamente digitale di DIGI

Apotheek Boomsesteenweg

Apotheek Boomsesteenweg è una farmacia di Anversa, Belgio, che da tanti anni offre un servizio di qualità ai propri clienti. Per il proprietario, assicurarsi che i prezzi esposti fossero sempre corretti è stata per lungo tempo una preoccupazione. Grazie alle ESL DIGI, lo staff può ora controllare in qualsiasi momento tutti i prezzi esposti da un computer, inviando qualsiasi aggiornamento a tutte le etichette elettroniche presenti nel punto vendita. Non solo si evitano possibili errori e discrepanze, ma soprattutto non dovendo più cambiare manualmente le etichette si risparmia tempo: lo staff può quindi dedicarsi completamente ai propri clienti, garantendo sempre un servizio attento e professionale. Oltre ai vantaggi nella gestione dei prezzi, i clienti hanno anche espresso il loro apprezzamento per il design pulito delle ESL, che dona un tocco moderno al punto vendita.

Non devo più preoccuparmi di nulla… [I prezzi] sono sempre aggiornati e io posso dedicarmi ad altro.

-Koen Engels, Proprietario

Con le ESL DIGI, prezzi dinamici H24 per essere più competitivi

Bruno Group Stazione di rifornimento

Bruno Group è una catena che conta 17 stazioni di rifornimento nella provincia belga del Limburgo. I punti vendita sono aperti 24 ore su 24, puntando al massimo dell’efficienza ad ogni ora della giornata. Fino a poco tempo fa, in caso di nuovi arrivi o modifiche ai prodotti esistenti, lo staff doveva recarsi alla sede centrale per ritirare le etichette cartacee aggiornate, che dovevano poi essere cambiate manualmente in ciascuna stazione. Grazie alle ESL DIGI, sono riusciti ad eliminare in toto le operazioni di stampa e di sostituzione manuale delle etichette, permettendo agli addetti di risparmiare tempo e migliorare la produttività dei punti vendita.

Un altro vantaggio importante per la catena belga è stata la possibilità di sfruttare prezzi dinamici per essere più concorrenziale. Dato che i punti vendita offrono anche prodotti freschi, la compagnia era alla ricerca di nuove strategie per essere più competitiva rispetto ai supermercati e ai negozi di ortofrutta locali. Con le ESL DIGI, è possibile modificare i prezzi senza bisogno di occupare il personale e Bruno Group riesce a competere al meglio con i negozi della zona, sfruttando prezzi dinamici 24 ore su 24.

Quando usavamo le etichette cartacee dovevo recarmi alla sede centrale ad ogni modifica. Con le etichette elettroniche DIGI, non abbiamo più questo problema.

-Dino Tofoni, Responsabile punto vendita

Per ulteriori informazioni

+39 051 0458421
Lun-Ven dalle 9 alle 18